RIFF Awards 2020

Festival Ended

RIFF Awards 2020

Festival start date


Festival end date


Deadline for participation


Call for Entries The 30th of July is the deadline for the 19th Edition of RIFF. Films must have been completed after december 2019. The 30th of July 2020 is the deadline for submitting works to participate to the 19th Edition of the RIFF (Roma Independent Film Festival) that will take place in in November 2020. All information to apply and the official Call for Entry are available on the website: "http://www.riff.it". This year as well, filmmakers from all over the world will have the possibility to present their original works, for the last 19 years, RIFF has collected and presented works coming from all over the world, giving particular attention to Indie productions. The selected films will be over 120 (in the previous edition RIFF received over 2000 films from more than 50 countries) The competing sections are 6: Feature Films (Italian and International feature films, first or second time director); Documentary Films (Italian and International documentaries); Short Films (Italian and International); International Student Films (for cinema students); Animation; Screenplays & Subjects; The program of the RIFF 2020 will be enriched by retrospectives and seminars on different aspects of the Indie film industry. At the end of the Festival, the winners will be presented with RIFF Awards worth over 30.000 €. With the contribution of the Ministry for Cultural Activities (DGC) and the Directorate of Culture, Performing Art and Sport of the District of Lazio, every year the Roma Independent Film Festival is recording more and more appreciations and proves to be an important meeting for the Independent Cinema. For further information, please contact the Festival’s Artistic Director: Fabrizio Ferrari RIFF - Via Po 152 - 00198 Roma +39.06.45425050 Press office: press@riff.it "http://www.riff.it"



Category Typology Description Partecipation Fee
SCENEGGIATURE LUNGOMETRAGGIO & DOCUMENTARIO Lungometraggi Prima dell'iscrizione prendere visione del regolamento disponibile nell'apposita sezione. €35.00
SCENEGGIATURE CORTOMETRAGGIO & SOGGETTI Corti e soggetti Prima dell'iscrizione prendere visione del regolamento disponibile nell'apposita sezione. €10.00
Ticket Price
Biglietto Open (ingresso valido per tutti i giorni della manifestazione) €40.00
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Category Award
Per i 3 finalisti sceneggiature per lungometraggio Premio TIXTER – contributo di 1000 euro per lo sviluppo o la realizzazione del progetto sulla piattaforma TIXTER
Per i 3 finalisti sceneggiature cortometraggi Premio TIXTER – contributo di 500 euro per lo sviluppo o la realizzazione del progetto sulla piattaforma TIXTER
Per i 3 finalisti sezione soggetti per lungo e cortometraggio Premio TIXTER – contributo di 500 euro per lo sviluppo del progetto sulla piattaforma TIXTER